The 10:30am service brings us to pray and worship together in the way Christians have done for hundreds of years now.
Join a friendly crowd of all ages and backgrounds for sung worship, bible teaching and communion, as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and pray for his world week by week.
Stay behind for coffee and tea after the service.

On the Second Sunday of every month we meet at 5pm for a time of extended worship and prayer, with a full band. This is a beautiful time of encounter with the living God.

On Wednesday mornings we gather together for a thirty minute in person service of Morning Prayer at Bow Church.
Join us for prayer and readings from Scripture to start your day.
If you have questions about our services, like the directions to church or anything else, feel free to ask them via the link below.
Please note we do take photos in our services for our media use, email us at hello@bow.church if you do not wish to be in the photos.